No Papa!

Well, it seems like we’ve reached that stage where everything is No Papa! We are currently traveling, so I am getting to spend more time with him than normal, which is fun for me, Mama, the family and hopefully fun for him too.  And, as Papa, I am naturally the fun parent so I am always kind of gently poking at him or trying to get his attention or trying to get him to do something.  In return, I am currently getting a lot of “No Papa”.  I say it back to him because I think it’s funny.  Grandpa thinks it’s funny too, he laughs whenever he hears him say it.  Sometimes, I think he is just saying no for the sake of saying no, not because he is necessarily rejecting whatever I am doing. And sometimes he laughs, so it seems like he is just trying to be funny.  Further evidence of his free will and personality developing.

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