
Little Jago is getting more vocal every day.  We still play the baby guessing game quite a bit, even more than before actually but his vocabulary is definitely expanding and his ability to communicate and articulate what he wants improves with every passing day.  Meh-Nah is banana.  It is usually repeated multiple times in a somewhat whiney voice, and could be accompanied by a mild temper tantrum if he doesn’t get one at dinner time, or if he happens to see one at any given time in any given place, and you don’t give it to him immediately, without delay!  That little kid freakin’ loves bananas. He can now say Mama, and has been saying Papa for a while.  He says bye bye when he’s leaving (or you’re leaving him), and he has started saying Hi, although I don’t think he fully appreciates what it means.  He has also started saying Yea, but again, I don’t think he really means “yes”.  Then there’s Oh-no, which is pretty cute.  He know’s what a sheep says.  “Bah”.  He knows what a cow says.  A frog says “wibeh”, which is accompanied by this adorable little head shake.  The girls at the daycare love that one.  And we have this book called the Alaskan Train Story, and it is known as dcu-dcu., which is Jago for Choo-Choo.  He really loves birds and planes.  If he hears one he stares and points up to the sky.  He is very observant, and it’s really fun to just watch him watch stuff.  And he loves to mimic short sounds.  He will echo short bird calls.  We stayed at a hotel the other day, and when the elevator changed floors, it would make a noise that kind of sounded like “EH”.  And he keyed in on that sound, he learned it and would wait for it to happen, with the biggest grin on his face.  The elevator would go “EH”, and he would go “EH!”, and laugh.  I would just take him up and down in the elevator to watch him do it, it was so funny.  He has always been very observant.  Sometimes we just stand next to the road and he just watches the cars like it’s the most fascinating thing ever (and for him it probably is).  And he waves to them too, and most people wave back.  And he thinks it’s the coolest thing ever when I turn the light on and off.  At bed time, when he knows it’s about time for the light to go off, he stares at the light with the biggest grin on his face, waiting for me to switch it off.  Seems like his little light is getting brighter every day.

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