Hello world!

Hello World!  A very special friend told me that I must start out my blog by saying just these words, or I would look like a Nube!  Well, truth be told, I am a Nube.  Not only to blogging, but more importantly, to being a parent.  And wanting to share some of my experiences on this new crazy adventure with some close friends, and learn a little bit (more) about social media and the internet were two of the principal ideas behind this blog.  The other principal reason for this undertaking was to create a vehicle to help me keep track of this new adventure.  Life goes by so fast, and I’m not the dear diary type, so I am hoping that my desire to entertain my friends (albeit somewhat at my own expense) will give me the motivation to keep this blog alive.  If not, in true capitalist form, I will be seeing how much the domain name littlejago.com will bring on the open market.  (Since it was free when I bought it, probably not much)

Before we get started, I must give credit to a few people.  First, my lovely wife, who has agreed to let me post this adventure on line.  Next is my son, who will become the main character of not only this blog, but our lives.   And then there is my good friend who created the artwork on the cover.  He is very good at branding ideas, and if you like what you see, contact me privately for his info.  And then there is my work lunch group (you know who you are).  This blog was really conceived during one of our many silly lunch conversations.   

And finally, one request.  The idea for this blog was to share my experiences in an anonymous way.  So please help me keep the blog anonymous.

And, with the stroke of a key – littlejago.com is born.

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